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How to Set Up SPF for UserVoice?

October 6, 2023  |  2 min read

SPF records are used to help prevent email spoofing. They help to ensure that only authorized servers can send emails on behalf of your domain. SPF records can help to improve your email deliverability.

How to Configure SPF for UserVoice

  • Go to General Settings > Email Communications.
  • Select “Configure”

Worth noting: is the default domain. To send authorized emails, you can fill in a new subdomain on a domain you own. Use of a domain that doesn’t already have an SPF record posted is strongly advised by UserVoice.

  • UserVoice will send your DKIM and SPF records after you submit your domain. Enter each key and value in your DNS by duplicating them.
  • This record should be published in the DNS records section for the relevant domain.

Worth noting: To activate SPF for outgoing emails using UserVoice if your domain previously lacked an SPF record, all you need to do is publish the aforementioned record. If your DNS already contains an SPF record, you must update it to include UserVoice as shown below:

  • Save adjustments.
  • Allow your DNS to process the adjustments for 72 hours.

With Skysnag, you can easily manage UserVoice’s SPF records without having to go to your DNS. This allows UserVoice’s SPF record to propagate instantly, and autonomously always pass SPF alignment.

Sign up for a free trial today to see how it works for your domain.

You can use Skysnag’s free SPF Checker to check the health of your SPF record here

Check your domain’s DMARC security compliance

Enforce DMARC, SPF and DKIM in days - not months

Skysnag helps busy engineers enforce DMARC, responds to any misconfigurations for SPF or DKIM which increases email deliverability, and eliminates email spoofing and identity impersonation.