Set up DMARC and see who's sending email using your brand's domain.

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Government email authentication

Stop unauthorized and malicious use of your government domain.

Cybercriminals are continually refining their tactics to launch sophisticated cyberattacks.

Skysnag is the most powerful and reliable solution for government domain protection against phishing attacks. Access global visibility on inbound and outbound phishing threats. Automated and secure standards management (SPF, DKIM, and DMARC) with zero PII. Centralized DMARC reports governance powered by one-click sender authorization.

Why secure your government domain?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security mandate (BOD 18-01) requires all federal executive branch departments and agencies to enhance email and web security by enforcing DMARC authentication. Implementing DMARC with Skysnag provides an autonomous approach to DMARC enforcement.

Digitization of government services (UK)

With the drive to create a ‘Digital Britain,’ councils are at the forefront of exploring ways to deliver information and resources that are both tailored and available. In this transition, emails will be a vital contact medium, so it will be critical to demonstrate to people that the council has an email service deserving of their confidence. DMARC is the only way to authenticate identity via email.

Protect data & stop financial loss

Accessing residents’ personal and banking details is profitable for hackers, which is why government domains are highly prone to spoofing attacks. Recipients receiving emails from government agencies do not usually question their legitimacy, and citizens do not hesitate to provide their details. Attacks on civil servants impersonating council CEOs or Ministers demanding details are increasing.

Frequently asked questions

We’ve invested in stable email gateways, malware detection appliances, anti-virus apps, and other tools to protect our company from malicious email. Why do we need DMARC?

DMARC compliance is unique as it can stop 100% of all phishing emails sent from a protected domain, irrespective of who the sender and the recipient are. This level of protection is not obtainable from any other technology or security standard.

Can’t our IT personnel implement DMARC on their own?

They most likely will if given enough time, money, and capital. On the other hand, most in-house DMARC implementation programs take about a year and are lengthy, complicated, time-consuming, and costly. There’s a high chance of making an error, which may interrupt essential email systems or even cause valid emails to be blocked. Skysnag’s stable, purpose-built cloud infrastructure and experienced staff will set up, manage, and maintain the DMARC journey.

Can’t Google and Microsoft mail servers implement DMARC for us?

The owner of the sending domain is responsible for publishing the right DMARC policies in DNS. Email receivers cannot authenticate emails or block spoofed messages that originate from that domain if those policies are not set. Google, Microsoft, and all U.S.-based email service providers support DMARC but don’t set up policies for your domain, which is the tricky and extensive job that Skysnag provides.


Ensure your email sources are correctly configured.

Make sure all your email sources remain healthy and authenticate all email protocols.
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