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How to Set Up DKIM for NICE inContact?

October 12, 2023  |  < 1 min read
NICE inContact

DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) is a method for email senders to digitally sign email messages in a way that can be verified by email receivers. This allows receivers to verify that the message truly came from the sender, and has not been tampered with. DKIM is intended to address some of the flaws in the existing email system, such as spoofing, phishing, and message tampering.

Steps to Configure DKIM for NICE inContact

Create your DKIM key pair for your domain on NICE inContact instantly by using our free DKIM record generator. The duo consists of:

  • A DKIM public key, which should be published in your public DNS.
  • A DKIM private key: used by Questback to sign your outgoing emails

How to Get Your DKIM Public Key Available for NICE inContact

  • Select ACD by clicking the app selection.
  • Visit Contact Settings and click Email Domains.
  • Find the domain for which you want DKIM keys. Click Initiate in the Action column.
  • Click Download in the DKIM Tokens (CNAME) window.
  • Copy the DNS keys from the downloaded CSV file by opening it.
  • Save your edits. Up to 48 hours may pass before your edits take effect.
  • Check your CNAME keys to make sure the right ones are in your entry if the DKIM status column says “failed,” then restart the verification procedure.

You can use Skysnag’s free DKIM Checker to check the health of your DKIM record here

Enable DMARC for your domains to protect against spoofing. Sign up for a free trial today!

Check your domain’s DMARC security compliance

Enforce DMARC, SPF and DKIM in days - not months

Skysnag helps busy engineers enforce DMARC, responds to any misconfigurations for SPF or DKIM which increases email deliverability, and eliminates email spoofing and identity impersonation.