SPF Checker
TLS-RPT Generator

TLS-RPT record checker
Email doesn't inherit authentication. Without DMARC enforcement, any SMTP server can use your business domain name to send out emails.
Check TLS-RPT record
Without DMARC, hackers and other malicious users can impersonate messages, making them appear to come from your organization or domain. Turning off DMARC puts your users and your contacts at risk for spam, spoofing, and phishing.
DMARC ensures the destination email systems trust messages sent from your domain. Using DMARC with SPF and DKIM gives organizations more protection against spoofing and phishing email. DMARC helps receiving mail systems decide what to do with messages from your domain that fail SPF or DKIM checks.
TLS-RPT Generator
Is your company domain struggling to receive notifications on email delivery failures? Our FREE TLS Record Generator tool helps you improve the security of your email by creating a record you can publish on your DNS instantly. Our reporting accepts TLS reports and our inspector tools help you ensure your records are set up properly.
Why use Skysnag's TLS-RPT Generator tool?
Our TLS Reporting checker allows you to acquire the information you need to decide how to apply a policy, and you can filter your mail flow to a certain area of concern.
How does TLS-RPT WORK?
TLS-RPT uses a simple, standard format to report back on the TLS status of messages. When an SMTP server receives a message, it checks to see if it was delivered using TLS. If the message was not delivered using TLS, the SMTP server reports back to the sender with a “fail” status. If the message was delivered using TLS, the SMTP server reports back to the sender with a “success” status.
How do you generate TLS-RPT Records?
You only need to enter your domain name, Email(S) to send reports to, and the URL(S) to send reports to, then click 'Generate TLS-RPT Record' on the TLS-RPT Records Generator tool.