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Skysnag TLS-RPT record
Skysnag TLS-RPT checker

TLS-RPT record checker

Email doesn’t inherit authentication. Without DMARC enforcement, any SMTP server can use your business domain name to send out email.

Check TLS-RPT record


TLS-RPT Generator

Is your company domain struggling to receive notifications on email delivery failures? Our FREE TLS Record Generator tool helps you improve the security of your email by creating a record you can publish on your DNS instantly. Our reporting accepts TLS reports and our inspector tools help you ensure your records are set up properly

Why use Skysnag's TLS-RPT Generator tool?

Our TLS Reporting checker allows you to acquire the information you need to decide how to apply a policy, and you can filter your mail flow to a certain area of concern.

How does TLS-RPT WORK?

TLS-RPT uses a simple, standard format to report back on the TLS status of messages. When an SMTP server receives a message, it checks to see if it was delivered using TLS. If the message was not delivered using TLS, the SMTP server reports back to the sender with a “fail” status. If the message was delivered using TLS, the SMTP server reports back to the sender with a “success” status.

How do you generate TLS-RPT Records?

You only need to enter your domain name, Email(S) to send reports to, and the URL(S) to send reports to, then click "Generate TLS-RPT Record" on the TLS-RPT Records Generator tool.