Digital Trademark

Your Company Logo on Every Email SentPlus Google’s blue checkmark.

The ProcessThe process begins with your trademark; select the option that applies to your company


Implementing Email Authentication


Setting up BIMI


VMC Application filing


VMC Verification



Your digital Trademark

Get a trademarkThe process begins with your trademark;
let us get a trademark for you

Why you should get one

Company Logo on Every Email Sent

Your company logo becomes visible in the recipient’s inbox, increasing brand visibility, identity and recognition.

Google’s Blue Check and Beyond

Get your Google’s blue checkmark and be among the first to obtain similar verifications from other respected providers in the future.

Elevate Brand Recognition

40% increase in open rates by mail clients

Increased Open Rates

34% increase in purchase likelihood

Mail client advantage

Electronically verify your identity with all global mail clients to avoid landing in spam

Stand out in a crowded inbox

Display the blue checkmark and company logo for heightened brand credibility

The future of trademarks

From Traditional trademarks

Traditional trademarks have been the trusted symbols of authenticity, allowing consumers to identify and differentiate brands in the physical realm.

They have stood the test of time, conveying brand reputation and trust through familiar logos, names, and designs.

But as the world becomes increasingly interconnected, the limitations of traditional trademarks in the digital realm become evident.


To Digital Trademarks

Digital trademarks leverage technology, algorithms, and authentication protocols to establish and safeguard brand identity in the vast digital domain.

They go beyond static symbols and embrace interactive experiences, data-driven insights, and enhanced brand visibility.

The future of digital trademarks holds immense promise.

They enable brands to forge stronger customer connections in an era defined by virtual interactions and global connectivity.