Skysnag TLS-RPTチェッカー


Lookup and validate your TLS-RPT compliance

Check your TLS-RPT security compliance

Skysnag TLS-RPTチェッカー

TLS-RPT record generator

電子メールは認証を継承しない。DMARC enforcement がなければ、どのSMTPサーバーもあなたのビジネスドメイン名を使ってメールを送信することができます。





TLS-RPT Record CheckerIs secure email delivery top of your organization’s wants? TLS-RPT has got you covered. TLS-RPT provides complete visibility of your email channels allowing you to view each activity on your domain, eliminating email delivery issues. Check your TLS-RPT record configuration and validate your record using our free TLS-RPT Record Checker


TLS Reporting is a method for enhancing the security of your email communications by requiring all email servers with which you interact to deliver emails to your domain using Transport Layer Security (TLS). This makes it harder for others to intercept and read your email communications.

How to use our TLS-RPT record checker tool?

The procedure is straightforward: input your domain name, select check TLS-RPT and you’ll see a list of all the records that are accessible for that domain name.

How does TLS-RPT work?

TLS-RPT uses a simple, standard format to report back on the TLS status of messages. When an SMTP server receives a message, it checks to see if the message was delivered using TLS. If the message was not delivered using TLS, the SMTP server reports back to the sender with a “fail” status. If the message was delivered using TLS, the SMTP server reports back to the sender with a “success” status.