
Schedule a demo for a comprehensive domain assessment.

Today, all major email providers—Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, and Apple—base their spam filter rules on the reputation of your domain name. With DMARC becoming mandatory to send emails and avoid landing in spam, email authentication is now essential.

Take advantage of our free domain assessment to understand your business’s current standing and gain insights on enhancing your email sending and security.

The demo will include:

  • A scan of your current domain health with tailored recommendations

  • Steps to secure the blue checkmark and logo for your emails

  • How Skysnag protects organizations against blacklists, impersonation attacks, and email spoofing

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"Skysnag a facilité l'implémentation réussie de DMARC, la protection de notre domaine et a évité toute erreur pendant le processus d'implémentation, ce qui nous a permis de livrer nos messages en toute sécurité dans les boîtes de réception de nos clients.


Ruben Gomez

PDG, Signwell

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